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the lady.
Michele with ONE L.


Family. SHINHWA. Music. Writings. Tora. Polar Bears.


Backstabbers. Betrayers. Getting Accused. People who thinks they are so damn good.

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Shinhwa. Alice Nine. SID. girugamesh.

say you love me!
This is call life, dude ♥

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Monday, January 29, 2007written once at 1:05 PM
Rain Concert

I promis you this post is gonna be super long. Okay, so the day started with lots of worry, stress and phonecalls+SMSes. Went to the stadium with Shu [whodrove], Farah, Rfa, Moon, Jess, Kak N'war. Pack/unpack Kpop Bagus all by ourselves. Some people were just standing there and doing nothing but giving random comments and especially irritating others. Yes, you are plain annoying. Thankfully I wasn't there most of them to witness your horrible attitude.

Was the sandwich man's assistant XD Shu was the sandwich lady with a poster that screamed; MY BF DUMPED BECAUSE I'M OBSESSED WITH JAEJOONG. Boy, poor Wookie. He must have been pretty upset XD We were under the sun walking around distributing flyers/kpopbagus/pocketcalenders to the mass public/kingdomers. Saw so many fellow school friends omg. LOL. Gave me a shock. Many of them were surprised that I was one of the crew? Haha. Must be shocking for you guys.

Moving onto the concert, even at the very last minute, there were 3 of us without a TICKET. By the time we went in, it was literally right at the back. But we could care less. In fact the back view was even better. Besides, we were together; as a group; as a gang; as friends <3 But as time passed, more and more people entered that zone and our wonderful back view just died away. T_T Either way, when the black 'curtain' was finally dropped, all tiredness just died away.

He was farking amazing.

Rain started off the concert with his third album title track ; It's Raining. Boy, that was hot. But we didn't get a good spot. Almost until the end of the song, many many thanks to Auntie Yong where she grabbed me and put me in the PERFECT Place. Seriously. FIRST CLASS VIEW. Love you loads Auntie Yong <33 The only catch was, the platform was smaller than a palm size. So throughout the 2 hours of concert, we literally was balancing on one leg xD

The concert was fantastic. Granted his English was quite fobbish. But HEY! It was understandable and so very touching <3 He called us his babies LOL. Freaking adorable. I can't remember much of what he said but I love his random statements. One particular statement was ; I love your face, I love your heart *pause* And your body. BWAHAHAH! He's so freaking cute kan? There are so many more things he said but I really can't remember. Sighs.

One particular most most most significant thing was when he sang Nan. The rain rained down on him. And he was wearing a white dress shirt okay! It literally went see-through. But when the live band stopped playing, he cried. And repeated one particular line so many times that I believe some of us cried along. <33 Moomoon. That perf was so touching. And I realized most of his songs has such beautiful lyrics. Some of his songs had the translation appearing on the two LCD screens at the side of the stage. And boy, it was SO touching that it just melts your heart.

His live singing is SO freaking good even after so many fast songs + dancing. Goodness. Bi oppa, you definately live up to your name. You totally deserve this major mega superstar status. The Nappeun Namja [Bad Guy] perf totally threw me off my feet. I LOVE THAT SONG YO. And now that he was performing it live with the REMIXED version. He was dancing TANGO while singing to it. Like WOW. <33 The effects are fantabulously amazing. I love his stage. And it's so nice how his dancers don't give off this vibe of ; I'm so sexy yo and I'm dancing with a hot guy. You suck! They all look so nice <3

Tears were REALLY in my eyes after he finished his encore song and the letter to the fans appeared on the LCD screen. He is SO appreciative of his fans. He showed no cockiness or what not a star this famous usually will show. He thanked his fans and he told us he loved us. Lol. I know I know, you'll probably say this is what stars usually say it to fans. But you can seriously feel his sincerity. Respect man. Seriously.

After the concert, while I was walking out the group of us carrying the LG banners, this guy holding a mic with the camera man came up to us and interviewed us omg. Considering the fact that all of us had practically been screaming throughout the concert, most of us had lost our voices XD But either way, we ended the 'interview' with cheering RAIN HWAITING! to the camera. Before I was about to walk away, someone called my name and I saw BENJO! Omgg! So many familiar faces XD Missed ya old sch folks <33 And this part was super funny when I was right behind Shu and Kak Bailah when they suddenly turned behind and look past me while talking among themselves; Where's Michele? Cannot lose her mannn. And I was looking at Kak Bailah's sister and another gal behind them with a O_o?

Typing out this post brings tears to my ears. Sighs. Rain. Bi. Jung Ji Hoon. I'm so gonna miss you. Although not as terribly as the times of Hyuk leaving but you have left quite an impression within us I believe. I think none of us actually expected this. Your stage command was too impressive. Your live singing totally awed us all. Your dancing is like WOW. Even with that injured arm, you still breezed through your performances. It breaks my heart to see you cry when you sang Nan... You made everything; all the cursing, stress, running around under the hot sun, dealing with horrible people all worth it. No words will be able to describe your performance. I believe you have earned yourself alot more fans than before. Even from the mild one like me ;] or an anti to be your true fan. I am so proud to be your fan ;]

Thank you for everything...


Sunday, January 28, 2007written once at 11:49 AM
Took some quizzesss

I promise I'll post a detailed 'report' on the Rain's Concert [THATTOTALLYROCKS] in the next post xD too tired and dead for now, so taking some time off with quizzes <3

You Are a Auditory Learner

You tend to remember what you hear, and you have a knack for speaking well.

You excel at debating, foreign languages, and music.

You would be an excellent diplomat - or rock star!

What's Your Learning Style?

Your Blog Should Be Purple

You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.

You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey.

You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say.

What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?

You Are 40% Boyish and 60% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.

Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.

You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.

You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

How Boyish or Girlish Are You?

You Are A Social Butterfly

You love your friends so much...

You're motto is "the more, the merrier"!

Making sure everyone's included is your mission

And you always prefer a group of ten to a group of two

What Kind of Friend Are You?

Your Learning Style: Expressive and Tenacious

You love to learn about new cultures, ideas, and theories.

You Should Study:




Ethnic Studies

Foreign Languages and Literature





Eastern Religion

What Should You Study?

You Are Not Scary

Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet?

How Scary Are You?

Your Power Level is: 64%

You're a very powerful person, and you know that all of your power comes from within.

Keep on doing what you're doing, and you'll reach your goals.

How Powerful Are You?

You Are 7: The Enthusiast

You are outgoing and playful - always seeing the happy side to life.

You're enthusiastic and excitable. You love anything new.

Multi-talented, you do many things well... and find success easy.

You prefer to keep things light with others. Opening up is hard for you.

What Number Are You?

Your Hidden Talent

You have the power to persuade and influence others.

You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around.

The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it.

Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think!

What's Your Hidden Talent?

You Are 22% Evil

A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.

In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.

How Evil Are You?

Find yourself knowing me BETTEEER now? *cackles insanely*


Monday, January 22, 2007written once at 10:37 PM
Some updates ;]

Right, on friday night I went to my cousin's house [the getting married one] to have a buffet dinner and stuff. There were this QUITE good looking guy serving red wine. But I did not realize it until like, almost at the end of the dinner ._. gaaaah. Then on the way home, at the mamak, guess what? I SAW A LIO-LOOKALIKE. Boy, my brain just went BOING. He really look SO alike omg. And the haaair! Same colour! Goodness.

Sat morning, I broke my rules of dressing XD Wore sleeveless! And all the dressing up. Make up and blaah. The stylist drew so many layers on my eyes, but it ended up looking so natural O_O and it was really nice! Haha, that was because I'm the bridesmaid x] Saw a few good looking guys too yo. When we went to the guy's side, I saw a SIWON LOOKALIKE. YAAAAAAAAAH! but a slightly chubbier version ;x but STILL good looking. XD That night itself, when the banquet was held at the restaurant, when I came out from the bride's changing room, I was closing the door quietly and when I looked up.


Wtf. I got like STUNNED; for a moment and I just walked off. Harhar. Just when I thought he was good looking, I noticed HIS BROTHER was even BETTER looking. Another siwon lookalike somemore. Taller. More muscular ;x Hee hee! And the way he dress damn korean weh! Dress shirt, black coat, JEANS. WEE!

The only thing that sucks was the seating. One side face me, the other, BACK FACING ME. DIRECTLY BACK. Stupid. But anyway, had the second dinner yesterday night. Had to go on stage as one of the ji mui. XD And that game was the bridegroom to KISS the toes of the four ladies + his wifey blindfolded. And then decide which one is his wife. Gawddd. Thank goodness for the emcee [KK; yes the KK on TV] I didnt get my toes kissed ;x


So I finished arranging 1025 pics of suju today. Korean class is gonna start this Thurs [thanks farin <3] OH talking about farin, you know my dear, I didnt know you commented until I was checking my own blog XD Then I realized there were comments in almost every post! So happy! Gomawoyo unni <333 This Saturday is Rain's concert, Sunday Moon is leaving + JYP Audition in SCP ._. which I heard is a run down place filled with lotsa lala ppl ;x Hahahaa. Anyway. My keyboard isnt really cooperating making this post rather difficult to type out.


Have a great week people!


Thursday, January 18, 2007written once at 11:23 AM
Continuing the process.

So I have been waking up like so freaking early for the past few days [for someone having holidays ._. its abit the... off?] I went back to school yesterday. The first teacher I saw was Pn. Tan! <33 After chatting for a few moments, Pn Zu came in [her back facing us], I ran to her, patted her on the shoulder and when she turned around, I just flung my arms around her and hugged her. And this part went funny.

Pn Z; Eh? Who are you? [but still hugging]

Behind us, Pn Tan was like, EH? Stranger still hug?

Bwahahahha. Met up with Pn V too, Pn Lee was also there. Saw Pn Grace too! But no Pn Lim no Pn Zah ._. After that, hung around in Shu's house. Showed her the old SS days. Boy, I missed those days OKAY! I remembered my biggest record; making 45 wallies in 6 days. Pyscho nutcase man. And the thing was, every single wallpaper's design was different! I swear all my creative juice must have ran out at that time. No wonder I am no more creative these days x_x

Met up with Eeza and stuff. Dressing failed! Eeeps. Went into Menara Citybank. Damn yeng man. Shucks. So stylish. Oh oh, after that was nothing much but at night, I had to model for my mom. Because my cousin's wedding is this weekend, and I'm the bridesmaid xD So I have to wear nice nice. Gak. Imagine Mish wearing SKIRT. Bwaaaa. Today will be another long day.

I've just completed KDH. Eh? Macam I making fun of kang hodong's name LOL. But no no, people who have to this will know what is it XD I'm supposed to write the report and browse suju thread [yes.it's no more an option but an obligation XD] But I'll be going out with hyunnie in about half an hours time to get my husband and group's stuff! Hee Hee! Then after that going out with my mom's friend to get another attire for this weekend's event. And TONIGHT, I'm dating Kak Bailah & Shu[s] for a movie! Wee!

Have I forgot to update you guys [or actually its just dong who reads my blog XD] that I went to LCC[T] two days ago. It's near KLIA, the kastam stuff there? Goodness, so dead man the damn place ;x And oh, yesterday 170107 was Kang In oppa's birthday! 생일축하해 오빠! I know Kak Bailah and Farin have already celebrated it for you XD Anywayyy!


Monday, January 15, 2007written once at 6:38 PM
Jam-packed Days To Come...

Okay, I'm probably exaggerating XD It isn't jam-packed as you and I think but it's certainly gonna keep me busy! But first of all, I'm gonna start off with a happy note XD Within this few days; Pris had found one of my old fics posted in someone's blog O_O and it was in the old ShinhwaSarang days omg XD Back in 2005! And I found some of 10Blades' lyrics romanized by MEE! in some people's blogs/weblogs O_O How proud can I be omg. I'm so happy XD

Right, so yeah, why jam-packed you might ask? My trip to Aus right? A report needs to be written. There is gonna be a meeting in February and probably I'll have to give a speech or something again. Impromptu again mwahaha. Then it's Kingdom's homework hee hee. This weekend is my cousin's wedding which is gonna last for 3 days @_@ And I'm gonna be a bridesmmaid! Speaking of which, my mom and her friend took me shopping yesterday. And BOY, I am probably gonna get a wardrobe change XD The clothes are SO beautiful there. But of course, it costs a bomb ;x But slowly, slowly I'll get it. And I saw this absolutely fantastic jacket that I really really REALLY love. But noooo, the both of them said it's too old for my age T_T But it's REALLY NICE. So YENG somemore. But I'm probably gonna change the zip alphabet [thats attached to it XD] from R to S or M.

S = Shinhwa / SuperJunior / S
M = Michele / Minwoo
R = [at THAT moment, it just occured to me] (Ryeo)Wook(ie) xD / Rain

Then next week, Rain's concert! Another attached happy thing is my dear Simonie sshi went for a [dance issit? XD i'm not too sure myself] competition! Wishing her all the best! May she be able to meet her LGZ finally ;] All the best!

Oh oh and another happy thing! My everything [LHY] won the Most Young & Charming Awards in the Malaysia Batik CheongSum Festival/Function! Congratulations dear!

What a happy day/week eh? XD

Oh yes yes, I LOVE MY PP TOO <33 DongDong XD


Wednesday, January 10, 2007written once at 1:45 PM
This is why.

This is why I love you Lee HyukJae <3

Trans Credits ; nonwinky @ Soompi

그냥 이번 일 귀엽게 봐주시구 넘겨주세요~ 네? 부탁해요..ㅜ_ㅠ
Please just see this issue as cuteness and let it go~ yes? Please..ㅜ_ㅠ

And this >

아무도 변하지 말고...^ㅡ^
Don't change, everyone...^ㅡ^

믿어요. 서로...^^
Let's trust. each other... ^^

I love you...♡



Tuesday, January 09, 2007written once at 9:26 PM

Right. A tad too late [just a week + 2 days harhar.] but whatever. Dong was asking me to update me blog to keep her entertain. Sorry Dong, apparently I have yet to resize my pics and yet to upload to anywhere so no pics for now. Heeh! So yeah, where shall we start? I think this is gonna be a super long post ;x Anyway...

Flew to Aus;Melbourne on the 8th night. The flight was delayed and by the time we arrived it was already 8 something [Aus time]. Finished with immigration and custom [sp?], it was already 10 something. Siao. Me and another friend had passport problems ._. And we were faced to this really ganas looking officer. But all ended well. I was the first to go after getting picked up by the one of the Lions greeter [not the real lion for goodness sake ._.]

The first two weeks was better than the next two weeks. Probably because of the lack of festive stuff. By the time I was with the second host family, there was Xmas and New Year. Can you imagine. You, being the ONLY black-haired and Chinese sitting there in the midst of families and FAMILIES or blonde hair people. I mean, it's not that I'm discriminating or being a racist but at that moment you can't help but want to get your arse back home. Regardless of whether you are gonna celebrate it with the family or not, you just want to go home.

I swear homesick is the biggest obstacle for me. I get emo too quickly. But I adapt quickly. I should really ask my parents how did they bring me up. Haha. Actually, saying that I adapt quickly is more of a nicer way. If put in a more horrible term, it's more of like the I-don't-care attitude. Heh Heh.

One thing for sure I noticed and realized is that the different hair coloured people look at me differently the first time they see me. But the moment I open my mouth and start speaking English or play the piano or show off my curly fingers [I have flexible fingers], you can see a new light in their eyes. A certain kind of respect will be born and they'll be more humble. And during New Years, when there was a party, I noticed most of the kids these days are so... brat O_O And the language omg. But let's not talk about such for now xD

Going onto funny incidents. When I was with my first host family, everywhere I go, the people were like YOU ARE SO SMALL! and I'll be like hello~ back at my country I'm big. ._. And I get comments like Your english is very good!. The funniest incident is probably when this lady asked me; Is that your natural hair color? LOL. In my second host family, a great grandpa asked me; What would your boyfriend do without you for a month? I feel like answering him, Oh~ he's in South Korea now. He has a radio program to host everyday and there's lots of interviews and shows to go on. He's a member of one of the top groups there, but you probably wouldn't have heard about him~

One thing that amazes me is that every meal I had in Aus is different. O_O And it's all so good. The best thing is when I came back, my mom said I looked the same! My grandma said I gained weight. But the most comments I got was that I LOST WEIGHT! Woohoo!

So yeah, now that I'm back, I know all the stress will slowly pile onto me. But I shall face it bravely! Mishy hwaiting! News to announce would probably be...

1. My official EunHae partner is FaraHye x] [don't get me wrong. Moomoon is my EunHae couple lover XD]
2. Because TaeHwa [Battle] has entered as my boyfriend, all the rest sudah naik pangkat sikit. But of course, Minbong will remain forever as my lou gong. Nyaha!

Plans for this year;

1. Learn driving.
2. Learn korean.
3. Take vocal lessons.
4. Take dancing classes [BELLY DANCING YO! MWAHAHAHHA]
5. Publish a book ;x

Okay, the last two is probably a leeetle far away but as my cousin said, it's good to have dreams. So I'll hold onto it for a while ._. Toodles for now~