Wednesday, July 30, 2008written once at 12:16 AM
Had a fantabulous time with seven girls earlier. Had a gory movie; super indecisive moments; a fast shopping session; settled dinner; a lame joke session; a video section; lala camwhore session; continuous pestering of going home; and laughter and fun throughout the whole thing.
Thanks XH for fetching and the laughter
Thanks PL for all the funny moments
Thanks PY for joining us
Thanks JM for not picking up dong and I punya phone calls and coming so late tsssk.
Thanks HW for being ever so slow and amusing with the camera
Thanks S for being so cute and easily amused with the lame jokes
Thanks AY for... uh. keep the distance [internal joke] HAHAHA
<333 I really should type more but I am too tired and lazy now so yeah XD Happpehhhh

Monday, July 28, 2008written once at 10:30 PM
Count them.
Count the times you have been not credited.
Count the times you have been forgotten.
Count the times you have been left alone.
Count the times you have been hurt.
Count the times you broke down.
Count the times you cried.
But I choose not to count, because all that matters is that I have supportive parents and good friends around me and I am happy. You, don't count as well. If we can start the day with a happier start, why don't we? And then if you can choose to end the day happily, do it.
Be happeh!

written once at 8:34 PM
Tagged from Mars
Actually, tagged by two evil people x] namely Mars and princess, anyway, here we go~
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time: 7.36pm
Name: Michele [with ONE L, mind you]
Sisters: two
Brothers: two
Shoe size: 7/8/9
Height: 161cm
Where do you live: my house
Favourite drinks: nothing in particular
Favourite breakfast: minwoo
Have you ever been on a plane: Yes
Swam in the ocean: ocean? uh, yeah I guess?
Fallen asleep in school: who doesn't?
Broken someone's heart: well dohhhh.
Fell off your chair: nope
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: no _ _"
Saved e-mails: of course
What is your room like: neat, tidy, happy
What's right beside you: left - wall, right - bed
What is the last thing you ate: biscuits
Ever had chicken pox: unfortunately, no.
Sore throat: yes
Stitches: hopefully never
Broken nose: no o.o?
Do you believe in love at first sight: might happen
Like picnics: depending on the weather
Who was the last person you danced with: Yong Fei
Last made you smile: Xin Hui
You last yelled at: Chi Sin
Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: Yeah
Kissed anyone: my pillow
Get sick: no
Talked to an ex: no
Miss someone: yes
Best feeling in the world: when I see 신화
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: no, they are there, happier in the corner
What's under your bed: the floor
Who do you really hate: for now? sore losers
What time is it now: 7.42pm
Randoms :
Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now: yes
Q: Do you have any siblings: no
Q: Do you want children: yes
Q: Do you smile often: very often, even if its a sarcastic or fake one
Q: Do you like your hand-writing: no, but I'm okay with it
Q: Are your toenails painted: no
Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: 민우's
Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: white
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday: out for dinner
Q: I can't wait till: I get to see Shinhwa
Q: When did you cry last: can't remember
Q: Are you a friendly person: if I want to
Q: Do you have any pets: zero
Where is the person you have feelings for right now? Korea?
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now? Does touching YF counts?
Do you sleep with the TV on? no
What are you doing right now? doing this tag?
Have you ever crawled through a window? nope
Can you handle the truth? I guess so?
Are you closer to your mother or father? Mother
Who was the last person you cried in front of? Mom
How many people can you say you've really loved? depends
Do you eat healthy? sometimes
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? no
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? yes
How often do you go to church? every week
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? YF
Are you loud or quiet most of the time? depending on the mood
Are you confident? to the point of arrogance, perhaps.
5things I was doing 10 years ago..(1998)
1- indulging in the innocence of a kid
2- being a happy kid
3- emerging as the second girl in class
4- lost in my happy world
5- starting my very insane mode
5 things on my to-do list today
1- write fic
2- burn disc
3- talk to YF
4- catch up with J
5- sleep early
5 snacks I enjoy
1- choco pie
2- choc
3- biscuits
4- choc
5- choc
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1- go Korea, see Shinhwa in person
2- buy Minwoo [despite him being priceless]
3- make trips to Korea every month or something
4- buy Mr. A for YF [yes yes, I know he's priceless too]
5- send my parents for a trip around the world and back and whenever wherever they want to go
5 of my bad habits
1- lansi
2- raising my voice a tad too fast
3- impatient
4- rely heavily on first impressions
5- forgetful
5 places I have lived in
1- this house
2- cousin's house
3- hotels
4- my dreams
5- my lala land
5 jobs I've had
1- a good daughter/granddaughter
2- a drastically emotionally unbalance with horrible mood swings best/close/good friend
3- an insane, happy go lucky friend
4- a lansi hi bye friend
5- and all the other jobs I had in school
5 people I tag [as learnt from my sifu]
1- sila
2- isikan
3- nama
4- sini
5- sendiri

Saturday, July 26, 2008written once at 4:06 PM
And they say happy moments are always easily forgotten.
Indeed it is true.
[Had a fai time with three monstrous boys this afternoon ;D thanks guys. We all had a good laugh about anything everything ;]

Thursday, July 24, 2008written once at 7:19 PM
You Are A: Duck!

You were almost a: Puppy or a Pony
You are least like a: Groundhog or a ChipmunkCute Animals Quiz

Wednesday, July 23, 2008written once at 5:29 PM
Initially I wanted to have this post filled with rage and anger and disappointment a shitload of other negative emotions. But after a therapy talk with A, a praise from the MC, a silly talk with my teacher, I decided otherwise.
Thank you to those who made me happy today [despite everything]. Especially pendapatan optimum. Thank you, really. This post is to you ;] <3

Tuesday, July 22, 2008written once at 11:59 PM
H Headmistress...
Hey H square!
Have a fantabulous H H H birthday with 동완 오빠 ;D
생일축하해요 <3

written once at 6:00 PM
Ice Cream [yet again]
Yes, an ice cream outing once again!
With the monstrous son of mine ;D

Monday, July 21, 2008written once at 10:55 PM
If only...
One, oh I don’t wanna cry.
Two, please don’t ask me why.
Three, you and I till we die.
We never say goodbye, forever.
If only... forever existed in real life...
[lyrics from 이기찬 - Memento (Feat. 마이티마우스)]

Saturday, July 19, 2008written once at 10:33 PM
One, please [try] to not be late. If you can't be punctual, seriously, you suck.
Two, don't push it in my face. The more you do it, the more I will retreat; the more I'll be pissed. I've already requested for time. If you are going to push it into my face wanting instant results, well then; too bad. Because I will dislike it even more. Don't make me hate it. Because I might if you continue this.
Just let it go with the flow.

Friday, July 18, 2008written once at 7:06 PM
가슴 안에 시린 나의 사랑 지워져 버리면 나 어떻게 살아가...?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008written once at 5:32 PM
Muet result is out!
I remembered having something to blog about, but yeah. I can't remember now.
It's good to have a bad memory sometimes. Because you forget anger and annoyance at others easily. And not just continue keeping it in you.
Some people are just not worthy enough of your time. So let go ;]

Friday, July 11, 2008written once at 5:12 PM
Sore losers.
Then you enjoy bitching about us instead having the guts to say it right to our faces.
I'm SO sorry about blasting it to yours the other day.
Oh and I forgot to mention this, apart from you deserving it, I've enjoyed it as well ;]
Thanks alot, bitch.

Thursday, July 10, 2008written once at 10:21 PM
Tag Dalam BM
7 fakta tentang saya:
o1; nama saya hanya ada satu L
o2; saya mempunyai mood swings yang extreme
o3; sangat straightforward
o4; mempunyai hubungan yang terlalu banyak
o5; bergantung banyak kepada 'first impressions'
o6; tidak mempedulikan apa yang difikirkan orang lain
o7; menggilakan 신화 terutamanya 이민우
7 perkara menakutkan saya:
o1; kehilangan orang tersayang
o2; terbunuh orang
o3; tidak dapat menyanyi
o4; tidak dapat bernafas
o5; tidak dapat mendengar & melihat
o6; apabila 신화/민우 menghadapi apa-apa kesusahan
o7; pendapatan optimum tidak ada di sekolah sebelum 7.25am
7 lagu buat sekarang:
o1; 신화 - 흔적
o2; 신화 - 다시한번만
o3; deepside - don't tell me it's over
o4; V.O.S - 남자라면서
o5; OST secara rawak
o6; TGUS - 가슴이 시키는 대로
o7; The Cross - 하루만 한번만
7 perkara yang selalu sebut:
o1; what the TUT
o2; - yi xia~
o3; very good ah~
o4; GG
o5; wo da ni
o6; si bohhhh
o7; i smack you
7 perkara yang amat bernilai:
o1; muzik
o2; dapat bernyanyi
o3; dapat menulis [fic]
o4; cinta/sayang
o5; internet
o6; keluarga/kawan/hubungan[s]
o7; kenangan/pengalaman
7 "pertama kali" dalam hidup saya:
o1; berada di lapangan terbang selama 8 jam berturut-turut
o2; pergi ke lapangan terbang lebih daripada 10 kali dalam setahun
o3; menemui mayat di tepi jalan
o4; balik rumah pada pukul 5 pagi dengan berjalan kaki
o5; tidak makan dan minum sepanjang hari
o6; tidur kurang daripada 10 jam dalam hampir 4 hari
7 orang bertuah (JAWAB TAG INI BALIK)
o1; pendapatan optimum
o2; sweden lover
o3; vokalist utama band
o4; banyak hubungan kawan
o5; roomie tercinta
o6; eunhae partner
o7; sifu tersayanggg!
Zomg. Forgive the horrible BM. _ _" Toodles~

Monday, July 07, 2008written once at 3:49 PM
You wish time would pass faster.
You wish time would go a little slower.
You wish you can stop time.
You wish you can be in control of your life.
You wish; to get the remote control of your life.
And I wish. For money to drop from the sky; loads of it.

Saturday, July 05, 2008written once at 2:12 PM
To You.
눈을 감아 봐도 자꾸 네가 보여 난 미칠 것 같아
한번만이라도 볼 수 있다면 난 괜찮아질 텐데
Fingers turning cold, nervousness creeping into my soul, heartbeats rapidly escalating...
깨져버린 이별 조각들이 가슴에 박혀 날 아프게 해
떨쳐버려도 잊어보려 하지만 너 없는 빈자리가 너무 커
The togetherness, the group hug, the love, all the footages imprinted so vividly in my mind. All the emotional turmoil, your ups and downs; the pain you have faced. All your sweat and aches enough to face exhaustion during rehearsals. It pains me, it hurts me to see you so tired. But you go on, moving further, advancing to the top without complain.
You dorks. Your smile. The little silly acts you do that brings a smile upon my face instantly. Your tears, your pain, brings tears down my face instantly.
You play such an important in my life.
죽을 만큼 아파 힘들어도 기다려 너 올 때까지
I breathe you.
이 가슴으로 나 말하고 있잖아 사랑해 사랑해 널 사랑해
내 심장이 멈춰 버린대도 기다려 너 올 때까지...
p/s: the english is not the translation to the korean. They are just my thoughts and the words in my mind. True, they are perhaps incoherent and vague but I chose to put it in this way although no words can express what is going through my mind right now.

Friday, July 04, 2008written once at 6:32 PM
The latest addiction.
Grab one now ;]

Wednesday, July 02, 2008written once at 7:36 PM
Fuhh. How many times a day did I post already. I really must have too much time in my hands right now [unfortunately not for long -.-;;] So yeah;
I went on an ice-cream outing with a uber-high-and-powerful-metabolism-endlessly-eating-and-continuously
-eating-nonstop monster.
Please kick him for me if you see him. Thanks ;P

written once at 6:20 PM
Created by OnePlusYou
From Fei Xiang's blog XD I wonder if that dude still remembers me as a friend since std1. Wow. it's been a long time isn't it o.o 13 years. This is madness!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008written once at 11:57 PM
Got tagged by the twinnie ;D and answered in no particular order, I present you:
Six Things I'm Passionate About: -
o1. music
o2. singing
o3. writing
o4. love
o5. internet
o6. family/friends/affairs/darlings/honey/etcetc
Six Things I Say Too Often:-
o1. what the TUT
o2. - yi xia~
o3. very good ah~
o4. GG
o5. wo da ni
o6. si bohhhh
Six Books I Read (Recently): -
o1. PP2 _ _"
o2. Tamadun Islam x_x
o3. A Place Called Here
o4. Lover [something]
o5. Where Rainbows End
o6. A Cinderella Story
Six Songs I Can Listen to Again and Again:-
o1. Shinhwa - 다시 한번만
o2. Deepside - Don't Tell Me It's Over
o3. V.O.S - 남자라면서
o4. Big Bang - This Love
o5. Shinhwa - Perfect Man
o6. The Cross - 하루만 한번만
Six Things I Learnt In The Past Year:-
o1. pray, keep the faith, believe
o2. stay positive
o3. be strong
04. stay happy go lucky
o5. think optimistic
o6. be hardworking and hardworking and hardworking
Six People I Tag:
o1. Pendapatan optimum
o2. Mish's darling
o3. Eunhae partner
o4. H Institute Principal
o5. The roller
o6. The son
Six Things I'm Passionate About: -
o1. music
o2. singing
o3. writing
o4. love
o5. internet
o6. family/friends/affairs/darlings/honey/etcetc
Six Things I Say Too Often:-
o1. what the TUT
o2. - yi xia~
o3. very good ah~
o4. GG
o5. wo da ni
o6. si bohhhh
Six Books I Read (Recently): -
o1. PP2 _ _"
o2. Tamadun Islam x_x
o3. A Place Called Here
o4. Lover [something]
o5. Where Rainbows End
o6. A Cinderella Story
Six Songs I Can Listen to Again and Again:-
o1. Shinhwa - 다시 한번만
o2. Deepside - Don't Tell Me It's Over
o3. V.O.S - 남자라면서
o4. Big Bang - This Love
o5. Shinhwa - Perfect Man
o6. The Cross - 하루만 한번만
Six Things I Learnt In The Past Year:-
o1. pray, keep the faith, believe
o2. stay positive
o3. be strong
04. stay happy go lucky
o5. think optimistic
o6. be hardworking and hardworking and hardworking
Six People I Tag:
o1. Pendapatan optimum
o2. Mish's darling
o3. Eunhae partner
o4. H Institute Principal
o5. The roller
o6. The son

written once at 3:20 PM
I've been reassured of my path, reconfirmed of my route, realized that my dreams are not stupid ones.
May all your dreams come true and that you don't regret what you wish for ;]
Thank you YF & PY for helping me remember this motivation of my life <3>

written once at 11:34 AM
Happy birthday my many relationships friend CYE~
[if anyone is interested, we are currently siblings now xD]
& Also to a darling WLY ;]
Have a fantastic birthday and year ahead as well as the many years to come you both <3