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the lady.
Michele with ONE L.


Family. SHINHWA. Music. Writings. Tora. Polar Bears.


Backstabbers. Betrayers. Getting Accused. People who thinks they are so damn good.

Is Currently Into

Shinhwa. Alice Nine. SID. girugamesh.

say you love me!
This is call life, dude ♥

get me this.
- To go to Shinhwa's COMEBACK concert
- More MONEY
- Minwoo's 4th
- M couple Ring!
- M - Live Concert 2008 'EXPLORE M'
- HyeSung's 1st & 2nd + 2nd Repackage + 3rd
- Wannie's 1st + Repackage + 2nd + Repackage
- SMASH 1st Single
- Dongbang's 4th
- byJinSung 1st Single
- Big Bang's Concert DVDs
- M Cap
- SID albums

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Monday, November 15, 2010written once at 10:12 PM
Hello Blog.

I wonder who is still reading this blog O_O Who puts up with my nonsense that is worse than an essay so boring you are already yawning at this point...

But hey, I've just realized I've been blogging since 2006! That would be 4 years... Very nais. Oh well... to the existing readers; thank you for putting up with my boring nonsense and pictureless, single coloured font all these years!


Thursday, November 11, 2010written once at 9:43 AM
The Trauma

So I've been wanting to blog for the longest time but I realized my life is too stagnant with studying and random slots of TV that I no longer feel like I want to blog anymore. So day by day, dragged on and on; here I am finally ;D Speaking of which, I don't seem to have time to watch drama either x_x

So before you read this post, please remind yourself NOT to ask me questions like why you know you still go, why monsoon you still go, why you never park in higher place, why you drive there, why you this why you that. I am not THAT amazing to predict what will happen. If I did, you wouldn't be even seeing this post.

Anyway, So I went to Thailand for a supposing holiday. Assuming it was the usual Thai you and I both know, I THOUGHT it was going to be hot and sticky and ugh, probably worse than Msia but hey, that 3 days happen to be pleasantly cooling albeit the continuous rain. The supposing happy, enjoyable, fun holiday plummeted to a nightmare when we discovered we couldn't leave Hatyai town due to a flood.

Initially I thought it was just uh, whatever, probably a light flood KL always suffers from. You know that level of water that will spray when your tires roll through? But no... the second time we attempted to leave, we found out that Sadao was flooded waist deep. So we went back, decided to stay a night and prayed that we could leave in the morning when the waters subsided.

The next morning, Hatyai town was flooded. Do you know how despairing it was to watch cars go out of sight? Bit by bit it got covered by muddy water. And then when the water started to subside, it started to rain again. Then the aftermath was worse with rubbish and whatever. Electricity was cut immediately the night the flood came in from Sadao. Water was cut off the next day. Phone batts were dying, MP3 was saved for the worst times in case this lasted.

Food was scarce but thank God there were such good people around cooking for us and offering us food but really, I don't think any city people like us can actually go through that with a sane mind. I've pretty much detached myself but you know now that I'm home and I pondered about it. From a dinner of 8-9 dishes for the first three days, it became two bowls of porridge for three people one whole day.

When the waters in Hatyai subsided, we immediately took a bus and took back whatever we could first since our car was fully submerged underwater for more than a day. I don't know if you can imagine but to be idling around doing nothing but lying on the bed; staring into space; the day literally becomes so much longer than you can ever imagine and take it. I even came up with nonsense games like spinning the bottle and singing. But I guess the most entertaining thing you'll ever get is your amusing neighbours.

So yes, that was my trauma. A lesson I guess? To be grateful for things in life though for now I'm a little lost with myself. I hope I can find myself, my goals and life priorities again because everything feels to temporary with the idea that life is too fragile.

Humans die too easily.


Tuesday, October 05, 2010written once at 12:38 PM
502th Post

Omg I've just realized that I've just missed my 500th post but anyway, am feeling a tad down today. Initially I was really happy because I ASSUMED that I've completed everything that was needed for today. Ugh, but I guess the supposingly bigger things took up the limited space in my head causing me to forget the smaller ones, sighs.

I hope it won't happen again though.
Disappointments are so much more difficult to face compared to anger.
Don't know how long this unhappiness is going to last either. Brr.

Everything feels temporal today; as if nothing is concretely true. I feel like I'm floating; not really here neither really there. My mind was on BWG and I was coming up with random ideas that I realized how dark this fic has become, heh. It's not the sort of emoness that just makes you sad and stuff but it's the sort of dark, angst-y emoness that sorta sticks with you for a while draining the happiness out of you.

Don't ask me why am I still writing it xD Because I don't know myself. Perhaps it might be one of the random outlets I indulge in such angst when I'm in that mood. Too bad I can't pull myself out instantly.

Was at class today and noticed how I really disliked when people talk LOUDLY in class. Like hello, please have some respect for the lecturer. Even if you don't want to, have some respect for yourself la weh.

Presentation coming up later. Wish me luck ;D
More presentations coming up. *inserts big sigh* I want this to hurry up end and let me get over with it but that means exams are coming up! And when exams are over with; it's holidays! Yay? But that means the next sem is coming O_O

Too much complains in this post.

Happy Birthday Mom ;D Love you!


Monday, September 27, 2010written once at 4:50 PM



After one and only one good looking boy that I've known; I found another one today though he's not exactly under this uni hoho. But whatever, I love it when new people comes in. No, he's not a student either but some sort of representative from the embassy. Oh, this one is so... clean looking XD Manlyyy~ You know those that just ooze the successful businessman look excluding the air of arrogance? Though I must admit that he has that soft... family-man sorta feel about him XD

Ah I'm so happy XD


Saturday, September 18, 2010written once at 12:43 PM

Happy birthday to SCB and her twin! :D

Have an awesome one kay?



Saturday, September 11, 2010written once at 5:39 PM

So I was telling my parents that I want a BIGGER dog. And my dad gave my mom a look and was like;

Give her a tiger la.

Tigerrr huh x]


Wednesday, September 08, 2010written once at 11:41 PM

I went for a talk today and there was a talk about Millenium; not the era but the product of Excel. This speaker was telling us about her personal story and it really struck something in me and I would like to share it with you while I'm still very overwhelmed and inspired by it.

So she's pregnant and suddenly her dad became really sick to the point that he sit nor stand. He couldn't even lie down because his whole body ached. He could just sit there and faint. He couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, could do nothing. At some point he just lay there and during one of his worst moments; he couldn't control his defecation [read: shitting/urinating]. Everyone around the speaker told her that it's almost time for him. And that she had better prepare herself because he's already quite old.

But she refused to allow herself to believe in them. To her, this was the man who raised her up throughout all these years... despite all the hardships and difficulties. She wasn't going to just let him go and say; oh there's nothing else we can do anymore. So we can just let him die.

So she was going back and forth from the house to the hospital along with her bulging tummy to take care of her father. When he was at her house; he was in so much pain that they wanted to send him to the hospital but because he was in so much pain; the man demanded that no one was going to touch him. He'd rather die if they moved him because he was in so much pain.

Then she decided to let him try a full cup of Millenium and three packets of Nutriact. She told him to just try, try; when it hurts lesser we can get you to the hospital. So he did, and truly; an hour later, he actually told her he felt his pain lessen. So she immediately sent him to a private hospital despite his worries of the hospital costs being ridiculously high. But she told him; if I have decided to send you to a private hospital; I would've already expected how much I need to pay. And I know that I can afford so you don't need to worry.

So he was sent to the hospital and still the same, she gave him cup by cup of Millenium. And you know up till today?

He's healthier than any other usual elderly.

It could be both miracle and God's grace. But there's no denying that the products had indeed helped the man and his family isn't it?

I've sorta bawled in my friend's car because I had memory flashbacks of what happened to my aunt and grandma over the span of six months. I kept thinking, what if. What if. WHAT IF.

But I was too scared of what if they really consumed and anything happened to them it would've been all my fault. But even without consuming it, they still left... But I keep thinking, what if they did? What if they did and gotten better? What if I managed to get my own miracle? Would they really still be by my side now?

So if you are reading this and am feeling anything like me, please don't do anything you will regret.

There is really no turning back, no second chance.